Advertise is the only independent, hyperlocal news source serving Sloatsburg, Tuxedo and this corner of the Town of Ramapo — and our readership is growing day by day.

* We are the source for local, original content for the Parks Region corridor that includes Sloatsburg and Tuxedo. We believe that our readers are much more informed and have a richer experience when they see local businesses featured on the site. Local and community articles, in combination with advertising, create a dynamic village experience.

* Our ad space is designed to provide local businesses with highly visible, flexible impact marketing messages that get results. When you advertise with SloatsburgVillage, you know you’re reaching readers who live within just a couple of miles of your store or business. They’re also your friends and neighbors.

* SloatsburgVillage networks you into a community of readers, making your brand visible and valuable. You become a recognized part of the “Village,” reminding readers about your goods and services.

Why advertise with us and why on the Web? People look at our ads because they visit the site – we have the numbers to prove it:

• 7,000 average page views per month

• 1,500 plus unique visitors per week, with a 50/50 return visitor to new visitor ratio

We are locally run and promote the value of local business and quality of life.

The online audience is a smart demographic for small businesses. People are turning to the Internet as their primary news source, especially through mobile devices. People who use the Web for their news tend to be younger and/or more apt to seek out deals, bargains and information about you and your business.

People who use hyperlocal sites like want to be informed about their local community, and want to find ways to support local businesses. Readers are engaged with the content, and come back often to find out what’s going on in their communities. There isn’t a better way to reach local residents than with an ad on

Currently, we offer the following spaces:

Sidebar – sold as a monthly spot, this space positions your message and brand next to the articles

Header Region – The banner that runs at the top of the page, designed for weekly or special promotions

Front Page – Positioned on the front page under the Feature Story box, a highly visible part of page

Special Packages – We will work with you to develop regular exposure that makes maximum impact

Our prices are reasonable compared to other advertising venues. And we will work with you to find just the right message. And it’s easy, just contact us and we’ll help you get started. Try it, you’ll like it!

For more information about our local, effective and affordable advertising opportunities, email us at and get started now. Or just click here.

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