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Tuxedo Park Mayor Talks

Posted on 16 February 2012 by Editor

This past January 10, 2012, Village of Tuxedo Park Mayor Thomas Wilson officially announced his candidacy for Congress in the 19th district of New York. The mayor recently sat down with TPFY, a website that focuses on issues related to Tuxedo Park and the Town of Tuxedo, to chat about his upcoming campaign against Nan Hayworth.

“I will focus on solving District issues rather than promoting a personal/Tea Party agenda for national attention,” said Wilson on what sets him apart from Hayworth and the growing partisanship in Congress and the country. “The purpose of the Tea Party is to create national grid-lock. We need new leadership and political will to create comprehensive solutions rather than partisan solutions.”

TPFYI: In your view, what are the most important issues facing our district? How do you plan to address these? 

TW: I plan to address the following issues with purpose & passion, and most of all with my usual commitment & diligence: high property taxes, high school taxes, high health costs, high energy costs, infrastructure re-building, power outages, mass transit, job growth/creation, Indian Point, Sullivan County fracking, immigration reform, climate change & stormwater flooding.

TPFYI: In what, if any, ways do you feel you might be able to serve/help Tuxedo specifically if elected?

TW: Provide infrastructure funding to create a smart grid that is less reliant on Orange & Rockland, build a new sewer facility that does not rely on concessions to The Related Companies, solutions to mitigate flooding of the Ramapo River, create a Route 17 tax free zone to encourage new business, job creation, & a Northern highway exit to alleviate traffic on Route 17, continued use of Baker High School for education, better cell phone coverage, & super broadband connectivity independent of cable.

TPFYI: What sets you apart from Nan Hayworth, aside from your affiliation with the Democratic Party?

TW: I will focus on solving District issues rather than promoting a personal/Tea Party agenda for national attention.

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