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Sloatsburg Sings And Celebrates

Posted on 01 December 2012 by Editor

Santa Claus comes early to Sloatsburg Sunday as the holiday season officially kicks off, with three different village events throughout the day.

An annual favorite, the Breakfast With Santa Claus at Sloatsburg Elementary School Cafeteria, kicks things off with a morning featuring the big man himself. The breakfast will have two separate seatings to see Santa. The first begins at 9 a.m. and the second at 11 a.m.

A partial fundraiser for the Needy Children’s Program, with a suggested donation of $2, the event allows elementary age children a chance to have a photograph taken with Santa. Light refreshments will be available for parents.

Harmony Hall opens its doors to the public with their 7th annual Victorian Holiday, sponsored by the Friends of Harmony Hall. Friends such as Terrence Daniel, Kenneth Jay Linsner, Kathy Goldman, and Peter Bush gathered at the Jacob Sloats House throughout the past week in preparation for the event, decking out the spacious rooms in holiday attire.

Linsner, a professional conservator, and Daniel restored the Sloat House’s c.1900 chandelier, which is a beautiful centerpiece of the house’s main room.

The Victorian Holiday begins at 1 p.m. and goes through 5 p.m. and features holiday music, parlor games and a holiday boutique — the Harmony Hall’s Holiday Gift Shoppe — run by crafty Friends of Harmony Hall that will sell candles, knitwear, baked goods. All proceeds go towards further restoration projects for the Jacob Sloat House.

Santa & Mrs. Claus are on the list of special guests, and scheduled to arrive at the 1848 mansion for a visit at approximately 3:30 p.m.

Harmony Hall is the perfect place to gather in anticipation of village carolers, who will meet at St. Joan of Arc’s Church at 4 p.m. A tradition going back nearly 40 years, the carolers will begin with traditional hymns at St. Joan’s and walk a route through the village, led by Mr. and Mrs. Claus and the Suffern Select High School Choir.

The carolers stop at certain points during the walk, singing carols, including Harmony Hall, the Sloatsburg Public Library, United Methodist Church, and the Village Hall, where the Annual Tree Lighting takes place. The village will hold a public reception where hot chocolate, cookies and other refreshments will be served.

So, go out and get in the spirit of things. Visit Harmony Hall to wallflower awhile, and then join in the caroling choir.

Photos courtesy of Geoff Welch.


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