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Ramapo Central Gets Out The Vote For School Board An Budget

Posted on 12 May 2017 by Editor

Sometimes local elections can stir up controversy. And sometimes, that controversy galvanizes voter turnout — in which case, the public wins. Find plenty of budget information here.

Registered voters in the Ramapo Central School District go to the polls on Tuesday, May 16, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. to vote on the 2017-2018 district budget and two candidates for the School Board.

Sloatsburger Darrell L. Frasier and Thomas Donnelly and Suffern resident Paul Shapiro vie for two open School Board seats.

The Ramapo Central School Board will be losing Craig Long, a longtime community leader who has had a hand in helping to transform the School Board into a more dynamic, professional body.

A special Public Service Announcement by Village of Sloatsburg Mayor Carl Wright, advocating residents to get out and vote in this important public schools budget and School Board election ballot process.

Craig Long was first elected to the BOE in 2002 and was a member during a time of expanding district budgets, the tumultuous years of Assistant Superintendent Brian Miele and led the search for a new district superindent that brought the district current Superintendent Dr. Douglas Adams. With Long’s departure from the board, Clarke Osborn and Teresa Monahan are the next longest-serving board members.

Dr. Adams was hired at a time of momentous change for the district, and upon his arrival, accurately forecast the impending budget crunch and spending gap that eventually led to highly contentious personnel and program cuts. Much of the cause of the RCSD budget gap was rooted in mandated state spending and the the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) lawalthough an escalation in teacher benefits payout was also part of that equation. Teacher salaries and benefits account for approximately 69% of the school budget.

Long was School Board President when the BOE faced tough decisions about budget priorities during a period of upended property values and slim tax levies and state un-budgeted items. Long presided over a few colorful community conversations and took criticism while not losing his cool.

In hindsight, Craig Long’s BOE direction and leadership served the community well.

Ramapo Central School District registered voters go to the polls on Tuesday, May 16, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. to vote on the 2017-2018 district budget and for two School Board members.






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