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Prayer For The Earth

Posted on 05 May 2012 by Editor

A lively crowd turned out for the Ramapough Lunaape Nation Prayer for the Earth rally Saturday, May 5, held at Ramapough Lenape Tribal land in Mahwah. Part anti-fracking rally and Earth day ceremony, the rally was held as an effort to bring attention to the proposed Tennessee Gas pipeline that will cut through the Ramapo Valley Reservation.

“We have chosen to hold this event now because the hour is critical for America. The destructive extraction of gas/oil resources from our Grand Mother Earth is almost complete. We hope this event will result in ‘An Awakening, an Occupation of the Spirit,’” Ramapough Chief Dwayne Perry said in a release on the event.

The global grassroots environmental website, founded by acclaimed author and activist Bill McKibben, promoted the rally as part of the organization’s “Connect the Dots” campaign, an international day of action that organized hundreds of grassroots groups around the world. The site has pictures up of rallies and events across the globe that shows groups and individuals attempting to broaden awareness of local environmental causes.

A release promoting the day by said, “this event in Mahwah is part of a worldwide day of action in hundreds of communities across the globe connecting the dots between climate impacts like extreme weather, global warming, and the causes of the climate crisis.”

As part of the effort, the Prayer for the Earth rally included a four-mile hike and anti-fracking walk along the route of the proposed pipeline extension. Additionally, the Ramapough Lunaape Nation used the event as an attempt to bridge cultures and bring people together. The day included speakers, singing, dancing and other activities.

The event also involved an array of communities, native peoples, environmental groups, and included guests and speakers such as David Braun, President, United for Action and Lead Organizer, New Yorkers Against Fracking, Chief Vincent Mann, Ramapough Nation, Sandra Steingraber, Environmental Author, Professor Airy Dixon, Saponi, Dean Hutchins, Cherokee Nation, Monica Evans, Haida Nation, and the Thunderheart Singers

Ramapough Lenape Nation tribal land is located at 95 Halifax Road, Mahwah.

Source: Rally photos courtesy of Geoff Welch.


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