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Liberty Rock Litter Party

Posted on 06 October 2013 by Editor


By Geoff Welch, Harmony Hall, Curator

Liberty Rock Park Trashed By Party Litter  

Someone failed to follow, or even remember, the unwritten park etiquette: carry in, carry out.

The Friends of Harmony Hall have been working to improve a trail that will lead up to the scenic Sloatsburg overview on the rock outcrop known as Liberty Rock. The Harmony Hall trail up to Liberty Rock would begin near the Sloatsburg Senior Center and follow a ravine up through the woods, looping around to Liberty Rock and the scenic overlook.

libertyrocktrashThe prominent Liberty Rock outcrop provides a picturesque view of the village and Ramapo Pass, and was once part of the Jacob Sloat estate. According to local lore the outcrop may have been a beacon fire rock during the Revolutionary War. Beacon rocks were often used during that time to communicate important information to far off geographical locations. Torne Mountain was used as a beacon rock to announce the end of the Revolutionary War. As noted on an 1861 survey map of the Jacob Sloat property, known as Harmony Hall, Liberty Rock was once called Liberty Pole Rock.

TurkeyVulture@LibertyRecently, a hike up to Liberty Rock revealed a messy scene left behind by an apparent beer party, complete with fire ring.

This beautiful property was saved from development by the purchase of 58 acres by the Town of Ramapo that became Liberty Rock Park in 2008. There are various entry points to the park that lead to Liberty Rock, but no official hiking trail. The NY/NJ Trail Conference is interested in adding the planned Harmony Hall trail to its official Harriman Park maps. The most familiar access road to Liberty Rock for many people is the United Water access road along Post Road in Sloatsburg. UW recently fenced in that road’s entry point and posted a No Trespassing sign.

libertyrocktrash2That UW wooded access road along Post Road is sometimes used illegally by all-terrain vehicles to enter and roam Liberty Rock Park. The remnants of the recent Litter Party included chairs, a table, beer cans and bottles, plastic water bottles and cups, and even a plastic gas can that still had gas in it.

This park is a recreational and scenic asset right in the middle of the village and shouldn’t be used as a dump. If recreational park users can carry in all those items that help make a roaring good party, they can certainly carry out what remains afterward.

Liberty Rock overlooking Sloatsburg, NY.


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