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Sloatsburg Snow Days

Posted on 14 February 2014 by Editor

thebigmeltBy evening on Thursday, many in Rockland County had just finished digging out from the snows of the nor’easter. Then the second part of the storm passed through, dumping additional snow over the Lower Hudson Valley.

According to weather reports, the storm dropped 18″ to 24″ of snow on average, depending on location. Ramapo Central schools missed two days this week as school takes a week break for Presidents’ Day Recess. Friday’s temperatures are approaching 40 degrees and the snow melt begins.

Oh, happy Valentine’s Day:

Local photographer Geoff Welch was out taking snaps of Sloatsburg Thursday, and again Friday morning. More nor-easter and after photos by Geoff Welch can be seen here and here.

Looking out out  over the Sloatsburg Library Friday morning after the nor'easter blew through.

Looking out out over the Sloatsburg Library Friday morning after the nor’easter blew through.





Waiting out the weather while watching for food.

Waiting out the weather while watching for food.











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